Monday, February 9, 2009

hard to focus....

i havent posted past few days for a few reasons.
1) i had my daughters a few days
2) i drank a bit too much a few times
3) shit has recently hit the fan with a certain someone (i take the blame i think regaurdless if the allegations are false and ludacris there is nothing i can do to change peoples minds)

on top of that i have played about 4000 hands of poker since my last post. which means tongiht i have to play 5200 to make my goal for hands played. im not sure i am going to be able to do that, maybe 3000 at most even that is going to be difficult. reason being is that is not that easy to focus right now and pay all my attention to poker while im playing, my mind has been wandering past few days and my attention has been given to other things. over the past 4000 hands i managed to net a win of $400, which seems a bit low but like the past few days i have ran bad in some big spots. On the flip side i have also played bad a few hands and got lucky.
i had a bunch of hands saved that i was going to post but lost them all. so after a few days of work i am up $635 and feel like im playing like ass, and havent played as much as i should. tonight should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Life is Crap................good name! Things will get better! Here is to better times! GL at the tables sir!
